

Langley goes beyond the classroom with experiential learning; students are introduced to a diverse range of BC activities in a natural learning environment. These supervised outings expose students to different surroundings that lead to a greater proficiency in both the English Language and vocabulary.   Langley has a vast range of athletic, cultural, and visual and performance arts programs to support a student’s academic pathway and immersion into Canadian culture. Helping students discover their passion for a school / life balance outside of their academic pursuits is a core benefit to their growth and maturity.

  • Sports, Music, Theatre, Drama, Dance, Visual Arts
  • Building stronger bonds and community spirit with local and international students
  • Promotion of Canadian values of participation, inclusion, healthy living and celebrating diversity
  • Cultural tours, skiing, sight seeing, whale watching

Students are encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities to promote healthy minds and bodies, which are important for academic success and social well-being. A variety of clubs, activities, sports, and events are available in the schools and in the community. Participation also promotes communication, which is critical to the improvement of students’ language skills.

Travel Forms

Travel Form – School Overnight

Travel Form -Parent

Travel Form – Homestay Parent

Travel Form-Relative or Close Family Friend

Travel Form -Team or Organization

Independent Ski/Snowboard Trip

Concert Event Request Form

Travel Form Flowchart

Tourism Langley   TransLink

District Trips Registration